TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Can I get confirmation that the Speedo to ECU Signal is TTL?
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Subject Can I get confirmation that the Speedo to ECU Signal is TTL?
Posted by ThisIsSparTTa on July 12, 2013 at 11:05 PM
  This message has been viewed 258 times.
Message Yes, I am very aware of how the system works in the car (I read the FSM!) However, what the FSM doesn't say beside "0 to 5V" is what that signal actually is. For instance, it could be linearly scaled 0 to 5V...or more likely it is a TTL based signal, which would explain some of the troubleshooting I've been doing and why the multimeter reads 0 or 5V at rest, and then ~2.3 at any non-zero speed. I have access to something I can use to look at the signal closer if it is TTL.

Yes, someone did ONCE say it was TTL here: [ ] , but that is the only place I can find it.

Why am I asking such a crazy question? I'm having issues getting a speed reading to my HICAS/ECU. My speedo reads correctly so I know its getting the signal from the tranny to the speedo. I have tried to read the voltage from the speedo to the ECU/HICAS both at the Y/B>Y/G connector on the drivers side, and at the HICAS unit.

Only thing I can think of once I can verify that it is getting a good signal is that my HICAS unit might be bad.

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