TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - ::NOTICE:: for posters in the TECHNICAL forum
People Seeking Info

Subject ::NOTICE:: for posters in the TECHNICAL forum
Posted by Dallas DamonZ on February 21, 2006 at 11:02 PM
  This message has been viewed 37968 times.
Message This is the serious side of this website. If you feel the need to screw around, please do it over in the General Forum. This is NOT the place for it. Members post their problems and share their technical experience here. We do not need a bunch of horsing around in here when people need help.

IF you personally have experience with the problem at hand OR can link to someone else that has solved the problem in the past, or a FAQ or some other tried-and-true information, then please help out a fellow Zer by your contribution. Thank you.

IF NOT, please don't bother replying, you're wasting your time, and the time of the person to whom you're replying... not to mention potentially guiding them into something that's even more detrimental to their situation then the problem they already have. Understand that information posted here is also found through searching in the future, so misinformation now is still misinformation in the future and can affect people searching for the answer then as well. Sit on your hands and let the game come to you.


Click here to e-mail me!Click here for Twin Turbo Zs of Dallas!

"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the universe." -Albert Einstein

When was the last time you *really* did something with your Z to call yourself a Z enthusiast?

Member #1 PETZ

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