TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Re: There are 2 blue relays behind the kick panel fuse box.
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Subject Re: There are 2 blue relays behind the kick panel fuse box.
Posted by VinZmax on October 12, 2024 at 5:01 PM
  This message has been viewed 118 times.
In Reply To There are 2 blue relays behind the kick panel fuse box. posted by Bernie (NoVA) on October 12, 2024 at 12:37 PM
Message Thanks.

I found the issue and just got on here to let everyone know.
My car blew 2 fuses. One for the signal lighting (which also by the way, operates the a/c control panel on my auto style a/c unit).
The there fuse that blew was the hazard lighting fuse.

The issue? Mya damn rear LED lamp. I had put in LED signal lighting in the rear and the driver's side does not work and is blowing the fuse.
When I replace the fuse and turned on the a/c and tried the right signal light, all works fine.
When turn on the left side, the fuse blows, and also takes out the a/c digital readout and controls.
With hazard lights, being that both rear lights turn on, the fuse for the hazard lights blows.

When I put in an incandescent lamp on the driver's side, all is ok.
The problem is that damn (not many hours on it) driver's side LED rear 1156.
The one I had in there was a SuperBright LED model:
(28)led SMD LED Tower.

I'm putting in another but not that one. It had the highest lumens, but was almost too bright anyway. I'm getting a different model, although there's no telling what took out the one I had in there.

Either way, glad it's not something major and who knew that the shorted or whatever, LED would blow 2 fuses and also take out the a/c controls.


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