TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Intermittent ignition nuisance - starting point anyone?
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Subject Intermittent ignition nuisance - starting point anyone?
Posted by Woodnutz on April 08, 2019 at 8:06 AM
  This message has been viewed 209 times.
Message To give some background - when I bought my Z last June, car seemed consistently sluggish. One of the first tasks was new spark plugs, which revealed #4 cylinder wasn't firing. Immediately after changing them, there was no change, but within a few days, while driving, it's like a switch was flipped. Sluggish no more!

Since then, on occasion, I feel what I assume is the same cylinder drop out from time to time. It seems like it happens more when the engine is cold - just for a second, it'll drop, then pick back up. As far as I can tell, once the engine is warmed up, it doesn't seem to occur, until...

If I really get on it, such as a fairly hard launch and running it through a few gears at WOT, it drops out and doesn't come back right away - sluggish like when I fist got it for 5-10 minutes or more.

I suspect that something just doesn't have a great connection, but I was hoping some of you have seen something like this before and can help me out with places to start. It still has the original EFI harness, so there's that. PTU is still in the factory location (with recall jumper harness).

Undoubtedly, I have a fair amount of troubleshooting to do here - just hoping to get a slight advantage if any of you have run into this specific issue before. I appreciate any tips you can offer!

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