TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Question restoring a 95 NA auto.
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Subject Question restoring a 95 NA auto.
Posted by tian2bing on July 15, 2018 at 11:20 PM
  This message has been viewed 294 times.
Message Hi, I recently bought a 95 NA Automatic 2+0 T-top in bad shape. I want to keep it an NA and auto.
I am in the process of restoring it and getting a tan interior like carpet and stuff.
I have a few TT spare parts from past purchases that I hope I can use. So here's my questions:

1. can I use OEM TT fan clutch on an NA
2. can I use OEM TT fuel injectors in an NA
3. can I use OEM TT spark plugs in an NA
4. can I use OEM TT radiator (with supporting parts) in an NA without overheating?
5. Does the 95 NA come with a cd player from factory? Maybe as an option?
6. I replaced my bad fuel pump with a brand new TT pump and it works fine but, without the rear tray, I can hear buzzing sound from pump area
when I was stepping on gas, although not as noisy as the bad one. Is that normal?
7. Where exactly is the 95 NA auto transmission's speed sensor. I have code 14 and the speedometer shows 0 intermittently. I searched
and all we talked about are the manual gearboxes.
8. I understand that there's a terminal harness on the auto transmission. Any other harness on it? Any one has a picture of how the transmission was wired? All of my harness around the transmission areas are messed up! some are even hanging on the exhaust pipes!

9. The door speaker amps are inside the enclosure or outside?

10. Where to buy a new factory door jam label and inside-hood labels? Mine was destroyed by the last paint job.

11.see pic below, I removed the RH door panel to inspect speakers and forgot where this rubber gasket comes from. where does it belong?

12. see pic below, Does anyone have a picture showing these angles. My 2x power steering hose's brackets were somehow damaged and I didn't know how they were installed on an NA car.

13. see pic below, am I missing the fuel line protector?

14. see pic below, unrelated to my restoration. This car is from a junkyard. It was heavily modified. Is the transmission a 5-speed OEM?

Follow Ups
  • Question restoring a 95 NA auto. - tian2bing 23:20:46 07/15/18
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