TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - what the hell did i do to her?
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Subject what the hell did i do to her?
Posted by Mad_Skids on June 28, 2017 at 11:17 PM
  This message has been viewed 576 times.
Message let me start with a short summary of my first post....yesterday...when my 1991 z32 NA 2+2 was running great:

-- "Blah Blah Blah, never changed a oil pan gasket before, but I'm going to do it a little worried about my jack points and jack stands....i just want to care for my own baby....Blah blah" --

so today, i rolled up my sleeves and said fine, i can do this. had the jack points in my head and the production manual out to make sure i had all my areas covered.
My z is reasonably low so i rolled her up on to two wood planks. had my tire stoppers in the back and went to work.

well yeah, i was on the wrong spot, [ ]
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the jack was under what i thought was a strong part of the support beam, got it about a foot off the ground on the passenger side, and i heard it start making a noise you know, that slow "I'm about to bend" metal noise... i immediately (slowly) lowered the car back down and noticed the four thin lines encased in a plastic bolted next to the beam( running to the back) were not straight anymore. they were before i jacked the car up.
[ ] [ ]
the steering wheel was locked, so i push the car off the planks of wood and to my horror, the break pedal won't move an inch and there is literally ZERO sounds when i turn the ignition.
there are no fluids draining. other then the oil pan leak that i knew about already (could also be a rear main seal)
there is power in the keys first position....
what the hell did i do?

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