TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Coolant flush during partial teardown?
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Subject Coolant flush during partial teardown?
Posted by Santa CruZin on November 17, 2016 at 1:41 PM
  This message has been viewed 479 times.
Message I have a '96TT (some of you old timers may remember me). It was time to change the timing belt, so I pulled the radiator, hoses, water pump - all the normal stuff. New cam/crank seals, tensioner, idle pulleys and timing belt are installed. I ordered new hoses and other accouterments from Coz, and while waiting for the stuff to show up I took a closer look at the nasty coolant in the drain bucket. Then I considered the poor condition of the pipes attached to the radiator hoses and bypass tubes, and decided what the hell, let's replace everything. Coz got another order, as did Z1. The entire cooling system forward of the motor will all be new when this is done, down to the last bracket and grommet. New fan, shrouds and what the hell, how about a couple clean and new upper timing belt covers.

Back to the coolant. With the car up on jack stands in my garage and the radiator, lines, accessory belts etc. out of the car, can I somehow effectively flush the remaining coolant out of the engine? The new water pump was installed with gasket maker before I thought of this, but I can R&R it again if need be. Maybe pull it, cover the alternator and A/C pump, put a little plastic kiddie swimming pool under the car and get the hose? If I did that, do the water entry points really matter? Or would it be better to just complete the timing belt replacement process with all the new hardware, fill the radiator with distilled water and do the coolant flush procedure with the engine running as archived on this website? Of course I'd be circulating the old coolant into new hardware in the process, but at least it would be diluted.

How would you handle it at the partial teardown stage I'm in? And yes I should have thought of this before starting the job.

96TT Stage 2 plus

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