TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Valve Cover Gasket (Probably)
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Subject Valve Cover Gasket (Probably)
Posted by Anath3ma on September 22, 2016 at 10:32 AM
  This message has been viewed 271 times.
Message So I have a fairly noticeable oil leak in the engine bay and it seems to be concentrated around the passenger side valve cover, and only really sprays oil at high speeds (meaning I can look under my hood when doing town driving and not see any oil if I've just cleaned it, but once I go 80 on the freeway and check it, its everywhere). So first, does anyone think I'm wrong about whats leaking? Second, how hard is it to do without an engine pull or anything like that? I got quoted 450 at a sort of nearby performance shop about an hour away. They said 5 hours about, at 85 dollars an hour, with the gasket cost. Is that reasonable? Is it worth it to pay someone else?

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