TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - after an engine has sat for a while, would you....
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Subject after an engine has sat for a while, would you....
Posted by genic on May 30, 2016 at 10:26 PM
  This message has been viewed 313 times.
Message do the following before firing it up? (please add anything that i might have missed)

1) drain ALL fluids

2) flush the coolant system

3) replace the coolant with distilled water & antifreeze (30/70? 40/60? 50/50? mixture of water/antifreeze)

4) flush the oil system with new synthetic 10w/30

5) replace the oil in the system with new synthetic (which kind, which weight??? need suggestions on this one)

6) crank by hand (or drill) in 20 second spurts for a total of 2-3 minutes with the fuel pump disconnected (via fuse relay)

7) ????

8) put everything together for a running engin and try to crank it??

9) profit!!??!?!?!!!

fyi, i have put an larger oil cooler via a sandwich adapter on the oil tree with filter.

of course the gas will be drained and replaced with new gas

so, what have i missed that YOU would add or do differently??

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