TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Re: "As long as I don't place the "Z" as an "N"".... LOL!
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Subject Re: "As long as I don't place the "Z" as an "N"".... LOL!
Posted by Zuberman on June 04, 2015 at 3:51 PM
  This message has been viewed 251 times.
In Reply To Re: Are you going to drill holes or sand the pegs off? posted by jlttz32 on June 03, 2015 at 11:18 PM
Message On the nose-panel, mark a diagonal line (non-permanent ink) from one corner to the other, and same for the opposing corners to find the center of the nose-panel where the lines intersect. Get some tracing-paper (semi-transparent) and lay it on the nose-panel and trace the intersection of the lines out for several inches from the intersection out to the corners. You may need to tape down the edges of the paper to keep it steady in one spot. After tracing, remove the tracing-paper. Measure the diameter of the emblem from it's backside and transfer that measurement to a pencil-compass (radius, half the diameter). Put the spike of the pencil-compass at the intersection of the lines on the tracing-paper (the hole created will be useful). Draw a circle. Make sure the emblem fits INSIDE the marked circle without any gaps between the marked circle and the emblem. Cut out the circle INSIDE the marked line and then transfer that cut-out circle to a piece of stiff paper such as an index card (trace a line around the tracing-paper onto the stiff paper). Make sure you re-punch the hole in the stiff paper. Cut out the stiff paper circle INSIDE the marked line. Lay the stiff paper circle on the nose-panel over the intersection of lines and locate the intersection of lines through the hole in the stiff paper. Tape the stiff paper circle down with a narrow strip of tape. Draw a circle around the stiff paper. There will be a gap where the tape is but it won't be critical. Remove the stiff paper. Apply/adhere the emblem inside the marked circle. After it dries, clean the marked lines from around the emblem and the rest of the nose-panel (duh). If you get all the measurements and marks right, you can't screw it up. Make sure you surround the emblem on the backside with the adhesive so there is no gap that moisture can get in through and sit on the paint underneath it, but don't use so much adhesive that it squishes out from under the emblem when you are pushing it down on the nose-panel or else you might scratch the paint trying to clean up the mess. As long as there is a thin layer of adhesive underneath, it will do it's job.
You could skip the stiff paper step and put the tracing paper directly onto the nose-panel, but the tracing paper is very thin and flimsy and may deform as you draw the circle.
You could also put the pencil-compass directly onto the intersection of lines on the nose-panel by breaking off the eraser-tip from a pencil and sticking it onto the spike of the pencil-compass, but the eraser-tip will not be as precise for directly centering over the intersection of lines and the eraser-tip may try to "walk" while you are drawing the circle.
If you're off by a tiny bit in one direction, no one will ever notice except you or MAYBE a car-show judge or some TTZ addict.
You can do it!

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