TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - New lifters ticking.. Blocked oil passage? HELP!
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Subject New lifters ticking.. Blocked oil passage? HELP!
Posted by TyTyIsFly27 on May 04, 2015 at 9:52 AM
  This message has been viewed 348 times.
Message So I posted a few weeks ago when I was having problems with my JWT R5 cams in my brand new engine clacking the used stock lifters like crazy. After a little insight from others that I needed to go with all brand new oem lifters to alleviate the problem, I now find myself with 24 brand new lifters, and the same issue.

So here's the deal -
When I replaced the lifters, the noise was gone for the first few minutes of running (as it was when I tried a second set of used lifters), only to come back a few minutes in, when all the oil pumped out of them... So I'm sure its the lifters.
It's not all the lifters, and the noise is concentrated mostly on the passenger side.
It sounds like only 1 or 2 lifters causing the noise.
Everything in the engine is brand new and sparkly clean, and oil pressure is superb.

Is it possible that I have a blocked oil passage to one or two lifters? This is the only thing that seems to make sense.

If so, what would I do to test this, and how would I be able to clean them out aside from pulling the head?

Any insight here is very appreciated.
Thanks again!

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