TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - warning.. do not use that spare
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Subject warning.. do not use that spare
Posted by Cjw3 on March 09, 2015 at 1:30 PM
  This message has been viewed 276 times.
In Reply To Looking for ideas on spare tire well modification... posted by JMartz on March 09, 2015 at 11:06 AM
Message The Space Saver Spare pictured in this thread, is an explosion waiting to happen!.. No Kidding around with this..

The problem is, the Bead Wire ( The wire inside the Hole of the Tire, at the Rim ) is made of 'Strands' of small steel wire wrapped around a mandrel to form the Bead Wire Bundle.
The 'Bundle' of wire as it was made, is smaller on the inside of the hole, and larger at the Outside.. ( Thank you Captain Obvious! )

As the Tire Fills with air, the Bead Wire Bundle, will try and 'Rotate' toward the Outside of the wheel rim. This causes the Smaller ID wrappings of the bead wire Bundle to try and stretch to a larger Diameter ( Longer Length ).. the OD of the bead Wire bundle, will now try and get smaller ( Shorter Length ) and no longer provide any support to the Bead Wire Bundle.. The shorter bead wires stretching will break, reducing the strength of the 'Hoop' of wire, causing more wires to break.. It's a down hill spiral..

The end result CAN BE an explosion, of the tire coming off the wheel bead seat, and KILL you if you are lucky.. if you are not lucky, it will just take pieces of your head off, that you thought you wanted..


If these things were so great, ever wonder why they were replaced with a Donut Spare?..

I'm aware of court cases where people were killed or injured inflating these tires along side the road..

Please get rid of them..

[/Rant off]


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