TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Does the ecu send + to vtc, acc, etc or ground them out?
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Subject Does the ecu send + to vtc, acc, etc or ground them out?
Posted by LivinTheDream on January 12, 2015 at 1:21 PM
  This message has been viewed 269 times.
Message While testing wiring from the unplugged ecu connector I noticed that the vtc solenoids, acc, wastegates and f.i.c.d solenoids all have continuity with ground.
When unplugging the sensor and testing it directly it doesn't ground out. Thus I unplugged the brown connector coming from the fuse box. Reason for unplugging it is:
Egr, prvr, aiv and o2s all share the same black with red stripe wire from the 10amp fuse in the engine bay which is the cause of the grounding but I have done all the deletes and the o2s are not a closed circuit solenoid like the others so those don't apply here or to me.
With the brown connector unplugged or the fuse no grounding on the ecu connector side of things.

So I concluded that this fused b/r wire either switches from a - source to a + one when the car is on and the ecu grounds out these solenoids or vise versa.

If I can recall correctly when I installed my home made safety boost indicator the lead from the ecu to the wastegates provides a ground. So I'm still confused. I couldn't really understand the wiring after the fuse box part which is why I'm posting. Thanks

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