TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Can a Z run "well" on only 5 cylinders?
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Subject Can a Z run "well" on only 5 cylinders?
Posted by Z32CheekiBreeki on July 30, 2014 at 11:52 PM
  This message has been viewed 181 times.
Message So lately I've been noticing my Z shaking a bit more than usual at idle so I start to investigate. Pull all the coil pack connectors and find out that cyl #4 isnt firing (atleast there is no difference in rpm when you unplug that connector)
Cleaned the injector connectors and the injector prongs themselves as they were corroded, no difference.
I didn't have a multimeter on me or a big enough extension so I'll have to check for spark and the injectors tomorrow morning.

The thing that stumps me is that I have noticed no loss in power, still pulls just as hard. I do notice a little intermittent hiccup at WOT though. Also idles very steady, never stalls or drops in RPM randomly and as soon as you get on the gas the vibrations go away. I'll know for sure once I test but for now I'm just a little confused as I thought running on 5 cyls would be noticeably different. It could be intermittent, who knows. I guess I'm just hoping someone on here will tell me its just a coil pack or spark plugs so I can stop stressing haha.

Anyways, got a fairly recent sound clip if anyone can tell anything off of that.

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