TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Let's talk about operating coolant temperature
People Seeking Info

Subject Let's talk about operating coolant temperature
Posted by ZXRider on March 31, 2014 at 3:41 PM
  This message has been viewed 552 times.
Message You can see my previous post here regarding an overheat here:

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I recently purchased a Techtom-MDM100, hooked it up and went for a drive to see what temperatures the ECU is seeing. The ambite temperature for the day was 70 degrees F.

During the drive at freeway speeds the water temperature never passed 185 degrees. Stopped at the light, the temperature hit 190 degrees, hold, I am assumping at this point the thermostat opened fully, and the temperature started dropping. The temperature drop would be down to 180 and again it would gradually rise and stabilize at 185 degrees.

I ended up going to the same place that my stock temperature gauge started going up (posted in the link). It's an uphill with two massive speed bumps, thus resulting me to have to drive very slow and angeled to go over the bumps. This time the MDM read the temperature at 196 when I cleared the bumps and started speeding up again. The temperature needle did not move (I am assumping last time when I started overheating it was because of a hotter day at roughly 90 degrees F)

Question is, is that normal cooling system operation?

I'm running the stock TT radiator, it's an automatic transmission so the ATF fluid is also cooled via the radiator. Thanks.

I have nightmares about that happening...I'd be the poor bastard you'd hear about on the news that gets killed by a softball-size chunk while spreading out my body over the hood and screaming "Nooo!" (Having a conversation about hail damage) - BradZ (FL) on March 25, 2005 at 9:56 PM

Tell your friend that you could take a dump, light it on fire and that would be hotter shit than his car. Probes suck, that's just all there is to it. - 300ZXpert (someday) on April 04, 2005 at 11:35 PM

P.S. You REALLY are on here at ALL hours! And I thought I was bad! :) - zmenon on August 16, 2005 at 3:06 AM

LOL...2+2 drivers should grow mullets..."Business in the in the back" ;) - BradZ (FL) on November 29, 2005 at 4:45 PM

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