TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Grinding noise from wheels at speed in turns
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Subject Grinding noise from wheels at speed in turns
Posted by Metacom on March 24, 2014 at 12:00 PM
  This message has been viewed 145 times.
Message At highway speed 60+ when I turn the wheel for curves in the highway or quick lane changes I'm feeling in the steering wheel and hearing at the front wheels a grinding noise.

It almost sounds like the tires are rubbing on something but ive checked and there aren't any scratches on the sidewalls of the tires.

It doesn't happen at lower speed, I dont think its the bearings. Still on 16" OE wheels with +1 tires if I remember right. Mileage at 78k with OE suspension that doesn't show any issues.

The power steering pump was replaced before me a few thousand miles ago. Fluid levels are normal.


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