TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - One thing I forgot to mention...
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Subject One thing I forgot to mention...
Posted by DVDBURN (MD) on June 09, 2009 at 5:31 AM
  This message has been viewed 1992 times.
In Reply To How to replace the OEM control pod lamps with LED lamps. posted by DVDBURN (MD) on June 09, 2009 at 12:33 AM
Message If you are only going to be doing the pods you only need to apply the part of this write-up of swapping lamps to three of the lamps. The two large and one small lamp in the right side pod. You will also only need to buy 8 lamps instead of 12. An extra saving of $5.00.

If you do the lamps in the bottom of the gauge cluster then the swapping of lamps will apply to those 4 lamps too. So basically this is pretty easy to do if just doing the pods.

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