TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - I'll have a single boost gauge, but not on the A-pillar.
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Subject I'll have a single boost gauge, but not on the A-pillar.
Posted by Woodnutz (PA) on July 08, 2022 at 8:44 AM
  This message has been viewed 218 times.
In Reply To A pillar gauges. Distracting? posted by Mike@ZSpeed on July 02, 2022 at 03:32 PM
Message I had it double-sided-taped to the steering column, but I got a cheap pedestal stand that will place it where the gauge cluster visor and dash meet on the left side. The stack of them on the A-pillar is just too much. If you need them, find the insert for the under-radio pocket and place them there.

For everything else, I'll let the Haltech monitor and react. With the safeguards set up, a lot of the other gauges are pretty much useless. No chance this human is going to be able to do anything about a problem faster than the ECU. I guess the boost gauge is kinda useless too, but I like seeing that one.

I think Stanky hit the nail on the head in his reply above.

- Aaron

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