TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Ceiling is only 9' 1" which is way shorter than
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Subject Ceiling is only 9' 1" which is way shorter than
Posted by Glenn (San Jose) on June 10, 2020 at 11:32 PM
  This message has been viewed 333 times.
In Reply To How high is your ceiling? posted by ZXRider on June 10, 2020 at 12:53 AM
Message in my original garage in San Jose. I no longer live in San Jose. I had to move this lift and make it fit in a much smaller and shorter garage, so it is a tight fit. I have to lift it higher than this position so the Z barely hits the ceiling and then lower it back down to the mechanical detents.

You can see how close the garage door gets to the Z. I have to reverse it in to clear the door when it is opened. You can also see the ramps removed and sitting on the ramps. They are detachable and one day I will replace them with aluminum ones as these steel ones weigh a ton.


The key to make it fit is to have high lift tracks for the doors and a side rotary motor.

Here is the side rotary motor. I have them on all 3 of my doors to have a cleaner look in the garage.

Here is the model number information. I bought this 10+ years ago, so I don't know what is available today. Mine runs on 110V as I didn't want to run a 220V line in my older garage. I also don't need the speed as I have to be careful to avoid hitting the ceiling.


Here is the view from outside.


I didn't take any pictures, but I highly suggest buying the additional center section lift that allows you to lift the car off the ramps in case you want take the wheels off and do some suspension work.

Let me know if you need any more help.


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