TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - not really, people just watched too much X-files
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Subject not really, people just watched too much X-files
Posted by LJZTT on April 04, 2020 at 10:11 PM
  This message has been viewed 141 times.
In Reply To This is the point I was trying to make: posted by Tanley (ATL) on April 04, 2020 at 08:48 PM
Message Bio weapons programs are reality, very old reality.
Gain of function research is reality
Genetically engineered organisms is reality
Sloppy, lazy, wreckless humans working in potentially dangerous facilities is a reality.
Tragic accidents in those very same facilities is reality.
Communist governments willing to do completely horrifying acts of evil to societies to achieve their most critical political goals is literally 20th century history.

There is no theory to any of this. The only theory is whether or not this outbreak was intentional.

Have you never read anything about Chairman Mao and the chinese cultural revolution? Do you know why he is attributed with killing tens of millions of his OWN people?? Even the Beatles thought this guy was out of line. It isn't a movie or tall tale. It actually happened and that regime is currently who you depend on for a lot of the shit you take for granted today. You do know that is HIS giant face in Tienanmen square right? You do understand why Taiwan is Taiwan right??? A billion chinese people are not "in on it" they are largely held hostage to it, powerless to do anything about it, if they even care or are aware.

I used to be a cyber-security auditor for the USAF. My company was contracted to provide auditors for a very long, drawn-out, thorough and very structured NIST-derived process where I was one of several independent auditors to ensure that DoD contractors who produce software for both classified and non-classified applications utilized by the USAF were following proper procedures and were doing their due diligence in designing, administering, and maintaining these systems with security measures appropriate for the nature of the information being processed, stored, or transmitted by those systems. Each audit would produce a (unnecessarily bloated) report that was a minimum of 60 pages in length. I personally had the misfortune to have to manage several reports well over double that length. I got paid a lot of money for easily the worst job I have ever had.

Out of the 20+ systems I audited before I quit out of disgust and a cursed sense of personal ethics, not a single one should have been permitted to "pass" with a satisfactory risk assessment or rating. Some of them were so ridiculously egregious I literally had to go to my company and ask to what extent my (and in turn the company's) legal exposure would be if I did not raise a major red flag by assigning the proper assessment as "very high risk" programs (a rating that calls for immediate halt to usage, and future development, to focus all committed resources to immediate remediation of areas of highest concern/priority). My company didn't know what to do, and didn't want to deal with it, contractors never do, it isn't the contractor's problem even if they always do get the blame for government incompetence. Some would say that is the contractor's true role in the Military Industrial Complex, to be the government's inevitable scapegoat. And that is why nothing ever improves. The budget constantly grows. And the DoD cannot pass a single financial audit. I cannot help but laugh inside when I see completely ignorant people hold the belief that a federal Inspector General is going to expose corruption and wrongdoing in whatever place he or she may reside in government. They have absolutely ZERO incentive to do so. They have every incentive, political, social, and economic to not rock the boat. If what they are forced to consider is too egregious for even them to paper over, they will water it down to the best of their ability. After all they are riding the exact same gravy train as everyone else and would rather not have the knives pointed at their back.

So yes, the world is rudderless in that sense that there is no master plan illuminati playing 4D chess in a smoking room pulling Agent Mulder's strings to hide the incredible lizard people truth, but that does not mean there is not a very real struggle for very real power that has never been rivaled in known history and all you little people are being used as a means to that end.

30 years ago...or now?

"I torch my soul to show the world that I am pure deep inside my heart...."
--William Patrick Corgan

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