TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - NE1 in Colorado get collectors status to avoid emissions?
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Subject NE1 in Colorado get collectors status to avoid emissions?
Posted by coma_ass on January 17, 2020 at 12:16 PM
  This message has been viewed 209 times.
Message I happened to see this on the Colorado government website and wondered since I have had my since 2001 if I could choose category B and get it switched to a collectors status and get out of emissions testing.


"House Bill 13-1071 governs vehicles that qualify to register as collector vehicles, dividing them into the following categories:

Category A includes model year 1975 and older vehicles. These vehicles aren’t required to obtain an emissions test, and owners aren’t required to sign the DR 2839 Collector’s Item Affidavit to renew.
Category B includes model year 1976 or later vehicles that were registered prior to Sept. 1, 2009. These vehicles aren’t required to obtain a passing emissions test, and owners aren’t required to sign the DR 2839 Collector’s Item Affidavit to renew. These vehicles will remain in Category B until a change of ownership occurs. The new owner may register the vehicle as a collector vehicle, but at that time it will be placed into Category C.
Category C includes collector vehicles that are at least 32 years old.
In 2015, for example, 1983 or older vehicles qualify as collector vehicles; in 2016, the model year will be 1984; in 2017 the model year will be 1985, etc.

Category C is further divided into these subcategories:

If your vehicle is registered to an address in the Emissions Testing Program Area, you must to sign the DR 2839 Collector’s Item Affidavit and pass an emissions test to register and renew.
If your vehicle is at least 32 years old and is being registered outside the Emissions Testing Program Area, you aren’t required to obtain an emissions test or sign the DR 2839 Collector’s Item Affidavit."

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