TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - If you decide to sell and have time, think in terms of a
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Subject If you decide to sell and have time, think in terms of a
Posted by 240Z FeO2 on January 05, 2020 at 8:47 PM
  This message has been viewed 206 times.
In Reply To What to do with my 30k mile Z... posted by Shutoburner on January 01, 2020 at 05:38 PM
Message nationwide market. Online platforms reach a ton of people. Detail the car thoroughly, and have an ad that is an impressive and complete, yet succinct, presentation. Back it up with a short video, kind of a tease, if you have the skills for something great, to magnify the appeal. Make your asking price at the top of the market, $25,000, maybe more, if cars like yours have sold for that. You can always negotiate.

When I was looking for a low miles TT, 15 years ago, I looked for about 4 or 5 months; everyday: Autotrader, eBay, major newspapers... it was a relentless hobby. I had Bernie look at a car in the Washington DC area and I called somebody in Florida (both on the other side of the country for me). Almost scored a TT in Kansas City, 1800 miles away. Ended up going 2000 miles to buy. I'm betting there are a few people in the U.S., as obsessed as I was, that want your car, at top dollar, if only they can find it.

Chance favors the informed

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