TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Why is it so hard to get these coils?
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Subject Why is it so hard to get these coils?
Posted by Agent X on June 24, 2019 at 8:05 AM
  This message has been viewed 310 times.
In Reply To ...Couldn't 'a done it without ya. posted by cherry on June 23, 2019 at 08:28 PM
Message I'd like to say that it is great how a community can come together like this and help each other out on the small details like this.

I think it's been about a year now that I replaced the coil on my wife's 2006 Pathfinder. Her A/C just died one day. Narrowed it down to the coil and I checked 3 local shops and they all wanted to replace the compressor, despite me asking specifically about just replacing the coil. "Can't get the coil, have to replace the compressor assembly."
One shop wanted to replace all major components of the system "just in case there was debris". One shop said if I brought him the clutch kit (with coil) he'd change it, but still had to evacuate the system and pull the compressor. He argued it would make more sense to just swap in a new compressor.
I found a new coil on ebay for $60. Took me 2 hours to swap out on the vehicle without removing the compressor. Running fine ever since.

Conversation between my sister and my wife (shortly before we
got married):
Wife: "You know, sometimes I think he loves that Z more than he
does me."
Sister: "He probably does, and as long as you're okay with that,
everything will be fine."

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