TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - You typically only want to run that stuff through
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Subject You typically only want to run that stuff through
Posted by Aaronw on October 27, 2018 at 7:39 AM
  This message has been viewed 314 times.
In Reply To Xtreme Clean Engine Flush - opinions? posted by Woodnutz78 on October 25, 2018 at 07:37 AM
Message an engine that doesn’t have any sludge. Those chemicals can be aggressive and knock too much buildup off at once, which “could” lead to a clogged oil port. If you just want to try and clean things up. I’ve never seen a single oil change be enough to get all the dirty oil out of the engine. From my experience on most cars if you change the oil, run it for 10 min or so and then drain it again you’ll get more dirty oil out. If you do it again it will typically come out as clean as it went in. It all depends on the engine condition.

Oil it’s self has cleaner built in, they just aren’t very aggressive. I’ve seen plenty of engines opened up with 100k-200k on them, owned by people that stayed on top of their oil changes, and they look brand new inside, no varnish, then you get an engine with 30k on it and has a ton of varnish or sludge built up in it, because they stretched the changes too far. Meaning oil it’s self has enough cleaner in it to keep your engine spotless, but they were out as the mileage racks up on that oil. Change your oil when it’s due 3k-5k whatever and you will never need to run a product through your oil.

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