TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Chrome/Polished Plenum vs Powdercoated
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Subject Chrome/Polished Plenum vs Powdercoated
Posted by nissubaru on September 27, 2018 at 3:29 PM
  This message has been viewed 845 times.
Message I'm looking to clean up my engine bay as much as possible over the winter while the z is off the road, one thing I've been eyeballing for a while now is a polished intake plenum but it looks like a massive pain in the balls compared to powdercoat. It seems to require countless hours sanding and using various tools (dremel, metal file) to smooth the plenum to the point where it's literally polished. I'm not sure if this is the same thing as chroming, but I did call Z1 as they used to sell a "chromed" plenum something like 13 years ago now. Unfortunately, they no longer offer this option apparently due to quality issues with the guy doing the work.

Compared to powder coating, it looks like you only have to clean the plenum and possibly media blast it before coating. Seems a heck of a lot easier...but what does it look like? I think I want a smooth finish to be honest. Z1 does sell powdercoated plenums in a "gloss" for $75 close is this going to be to what I'm looking for?

Long story short, I want a nice shiny plenum but I don't want to spend 40+ hours sanding my current plenum to get it smoothed out if it can look 95% as good with powder coat. Any suggestions?

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