TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Post more info, pictures are worth a thousand words.
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Subject Post more info, pictures are worth a thousand words.
Posted by Evan(CA) on December 05, 2015 at 3:26 PM
  This message has been viewed 353 times.
In Reply To Buying a z thats been sitting for a while posted by Muffinz on December 05, 2015 at 02:17 PM
Message There are so many unknowns that you really need someone who knows these cars to go with you to look at things and ask the appropriate questions. How was it stored? 4 years is a long time for things to be sitting and depending on how and where it was stored every single piece of rubber on the car might need to be replaced and who knows what you'll find when you really start digging into it.

Who did the engine work? Full rebuild or did he just do enough to repair the bad piston to get it running again. What exactly is a "bad piston"? Was it simple low compression from worn rings? Did it throw a rod? Did detonation eat the piston? I'd definitely bring a borescope and look over that engine with a fine tooth comb. See what receipts he has for the engine work too so you can see exactly what was done.

How much is he asking? Mods? Miles? What kind of injectors? If the ecu wasn't reflashed for the proper injector size the short answer is it will not run. In the end buying a car in pieces like this is a crap shoot. The price would have to be so good that I could part it out and recoup all my money if things didn't work out if I were in your shoes.

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