TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - So Im wondering. Why all the medal IC piping?
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Subject So Im wondering. Why all the medal IC piping?
Posted by LivinTheDream on June 03, 2015 at 3:49 PM
  This message has been viewed 344 times.
Message I was just thinking of other easier materials to construct intercooler piping out of. With long routes like with the Z silicone would cause response issues due to its flexibility. I see it expanding quite a bit at high psi.

But what about flexible pvc pipe. It has the ability to curve and its very ridged. The areas for the IC piping are not that hot once you don't let it touch the radiator. Hard pvc fittings can be used for the sharp bends and of course silicone couplings would still hav to be used.

I know everyone here needs parts made by Albert Einstein to feel like its worthy for the Z but I'm throwing a pebble and see how the ripples roll out.

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