TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - No. Not really.
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Subject No. Not really.
Posted by Antihero on March 26, 2015 at 12:54 PM
  This message has been viewed 560 times.
In Reply To From what I've read, a Moates Ostrich is better posted by BlackholeZ on March 26, 2015 at 11:40 AM
Message You shouldn't be comparing these two products like that.

The ostrich is a rom emulator. What this means is that instead of changing out a chip, you can just program the ostrich and switch between different software, or load new software on easily. This is where the ostrich stops. It's a simple product that does a simple task well. It does not even have realtime trace, like zemulator does. Realtime trace would at least allow you to see what the ECU is reading. If this is all you need you are good here.

Nistune is more advanced in that it allows tweaking things on the fly (aka realtime). This allows for things like launch control and flex fuel. The nistune is plugged into the consult bus which allows interaction, logging, realtime triggered changes, etc which makes it more powerful than the ostrich.

The consult port can feed data as fast as the designed in the 80's z32 ecu can create it, so I'm not sure where you are going with the usb vs consult argument.

The moates can't verify anything at all. It has no access to the ECU. All it does is simulate a rom. A rom is just a storage device, very similar to a usb memory stick, except the ECU can only read from it, not write to it. It has no further access to any other systems, and has no monitoring, or logging functionality. No matter how fancy you might try to make it, the ECU treats this the same as a basically a $2 1980's version of a 0.00003 Gigabyte thumb drive that the ECU is physically incapable of writing to.


How to have a good time with your 300zx:
Don't buy from AMS because it's shoddily "designed", cheaply made knockoff garbage.
Don't buy from ASH if you can't wait 6 months for turnaround time, and are ok with him to disapearing for another 6 months when you have a question about your
Don't put injectors in that aren't 95+ style Nismo or Injector dynamics
Do your timing belt when you are supposed to with oem stuff.
If a wheel doesn't proudly declare where it's made, you shouldn't be putting it on a 300zx, and if ebay is the best place to get it, that's concerning. Yes, I am talking
about those XXR's.
Don't put on a FMIC that isn't Tom's. That ebay "apollo style" one causes a ton of lag and lost horsepower.

Check my classifieds. My Z is for sale.

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