TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Brought my Z back to life!
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Subject Brought my Z back to life!
Posted by Stokens (StoMoZTT) on May 06, 2012 at 5:58 PM
  This message has been viewed 1181 times.
Message Well, I'm an old school'er, from the days of RT, SpdDemon13, Wesman, ScottZTT, Logik, GotRice, and many more seasoned Z guys. When I was a poor college kid, I was hanging out with Harry (SpdDemon13) in Baltimore, when two injectors died on me. I managed to limp back to Arkansas, but never could afford to fix her up. So I had to store it...

I finally became a grown up with a real job and a real house and a garage to work in. (Only took me 10 years) In November I trailered it to my in-laws shop and began to dissect.

After sitting for 8-10 years there was plenty to do on top of replacing the dead injectors. So I wrenched on it a little bit every weekend. Well, today I finally drove it to the gas station and back! Here are some pics of my ordeal...

Had some oil leaking into the first spark plug tube. Replaced the seal on the valve covers and no signs of leaking!

Finally got the upper manifold off. It was hanging on for dear life.

An awesome power coat job from a little race car shop here in Central Arkansas.

I painted the valve covers and did the pcv reroute since I was in there.

They came out pretty good for painting in the back yard, lol

Everything put back together

I had four brand new Stillen rotors sitting in the back hatch for 10 years collecting dust. Finally got to put them on!

Did the throttle body coolant bypass, too. I still live in fear that I didnt' hook something up right and coolant is feeding into the fuel tank LOL

Tail end... see my tag expired in May of 2003?

Made it to the gas station and back today! $20 of 93 octane went A LOT further 10 years ago!!

So now my plan is to get it to a mechanic and have it tuned up. But no error codes or CELs! It has a little lifter tick, and some hesitation still - but it boosted to 6psi when it was warmed up. I had to reset my Blitz SBC-iD because I couldn't remember how to use it haha.

So it's almost ready to be back on the road with only 100,500 miles. Not bad for a 91! My father in law is a retired body shop owner so we're going to clean it up and get all scuffs fixed up.

I'd like to thank some people for helping me get back together, with their parts and advice:

It's amazing how the Z Community has continued progressing this car's awesomeness. Ten years ago if somebody asked about converting an NA to a TT... pebbles were thrown at them and they were labeled a witch.

So glad to almost be back!

If I would have known addiction was this expensive I would have seen a shrink a long time ago. --BadZCar (FL)
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