TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Need to make a slight change to them
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Subject Need to make a slight change to them
Posted by collegeboy on February 10, 2010 at 12:14 PM
  This message has been viewed 743 times.
In Reply To My latest project... Intercooler ducting. posted by kkrofft (OH) on February 10, 2010 at 10:50 AM
Message In the picture that shows looking through the foglight duct area, you can
see that there is still a part that the air can travel without going through the
IC itself. All you need to do to fix this is make that side a little higher.
Might as well make it all perfect when you are putting this much effort into
it. Nice work, and I know how much of a pain this can be as I'm making all
my radiator, and side mount ac condenser ducting currently.

1991 Black 3.0 Twin Turbo

^^Hard engine break in method^^

---Me: You bought a Porsche?
---sfpearl300z: lol, no no, I have a decent sized penis so no need for that.
"felt wierd fingering my exhuast for 1hr with no results :(" - zboost
"lmao, i know, theres more drama and favoritism on than a middle school girls locker room" - sfpearl300z
"I think I'll pass on giving my car a handjob" - joel(PA)
"I did plug the holes, But I did it by taping over them a lot, I didnt think that maybe HOT air is comming through there, And it melted the tape, damnit im an ass." - DC 21

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